Your Regional Advanced Laboratory - a Digital Sandbox

Activate change in your region together with other leaders.


Help people see the future of your community

The Regional Advanced Laboratory (REAL) Initiative opens up a world of actionable insight and converged data for solutionary leaders to access intelligence and advance resilient, equitable, sustainable, and successful decisions, policies, and investments.


How REAL Works.

Regional Advanced Laboratories unite regional community leaders, municipal governments, urban planning and growth boards, and organizations from economic development, post-secondary education, tourism, health, social impact and industry.

Utilizing RUNWITHIT Synthetics’ innovative visualization and simulation environment, REAL provides regional collectives with the unprecedented ability to forecast and visualize policy, investment, technology, and environmental impacts and model complex scenarios — playing forward time in a living, digital laboratory.

How REAL Helps.

REAL members elect topics for collective exploration. These learnings are explored quarterly with the entire stakeholder group, so all partners can participate in the transfer of knowledge, and outcomes and can carry insights back to their own organizations and communities.

REAL partners have leveraged outcomes of their findings to further strengthen their leadership positions in economic development and trade, innovation, equity, and resilience in the Edmonton Region, among their peers, and around the world.

How REAL Activates Change


“Our experience with REAL has been phenomenal; the collaboration has provided us with incredible data, insights, and meaningful cross-sector connections that directly support our community work in many ways. Our focus is creating thriving, resilient communities where no one is left behind and we are so very fortunate that the REAL network share those same values and has the purpose-driven leader, RWI Synthetics, to guide the way in a data-informed, human-centric way.”

-Brent Guidinger

Director, Workplace Solutions
United Way of the Alberta Capital Region

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Case Study: World's First Urban Synthetic Laboratory

The Regional Edmonton Advanced Laboratory was initially developed with investment from Edmonton Global and is supported by dozens of partner organizations. It is one of the only synthetic urban environments in Canada, and positions Edmonton to capitalize on emerging socioeconomic trends, improve quality of life, and model complex scenarios.

This innovative regional collaboration tool now unites fourteen visionary partners to discuss, explore, evaluate and inflect the future impacts of today’s biggest decisions.


ASTech “Innovation of the Year” Award Winners

RWI is honoured to be recognized as the "ASTech Innovation of the Year" Winner with partners Edmonton Global and the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board on November 3, 2023!

We felt privileged to celebrate the win on stage, representing the art of the possible when determined innovators and early adopters from different sectors get together to make the best things happen. Reflecting on this collaborative achievement, which significantly impacts the community, gives RWI great hope for tomorrow.

RWI team on stage accepting the ASTech Innovation of the Year award with partners Edmonton Global and Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board.

REAL Themes

Deep dive themes determined by members of the Edmonton REAL initiative.

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How you can join a Regional Advanced Lab

1. Join a local subscription group

2. Run a strategic sandbox for your organization

3. Buy data from the future


Strategic Applications of one Regional Laboratory in Canada

  • Ports and Airports — decarbonization

  • Investment and Funding Support

  • Growth Planning — cost of shared services, land use, density

  • Energy Transition — project phasing, impact and workforce

  • Post Secondary Expansion — affordable housing, security and mobility

  • Critical Resource Requirements — water, energy and power

  • Youth, Health and Community Futures

  • High-risk Climate, Nautral and Human-made Events

  • Decentralized Energy — generation, storage, resilience

  • Electrification Planning — EV’s, HVAC, DER

  • Equity and Sustainability — vulnerable populations, access, risk indices, programs and services

A vertical graphic with the title "REAL Initiatives." The graphic lists key areas for consideration within the REAL framework: People, Technology, Infrastructure, Policy, Environment, and Scenarios.


REAL Partners have Access to Data on our ArcGIS Tool

REAL Partners have exclusive access to RWI's powerful data visualization tool using ArcGIS. They can dial forward into the future and see  the entire region, including key metrics like household composition, population growth, housing types, utility consumption, income distribution, and more.


The latest with REAL

REAL Around the World

An aerial perspective of a detailed 3D city model with the text "GEMINI CALL" and "2023 INNOVATION OF THE YEAR ASTECH AWARD WINNER" overlaid. The image represents a digital twin of a city and symbolizes innovative urban planning and development.

Gemini Call

July 2024, The Gemini Call spotlights pioneering efforts in digital twin technology. When tomorrow is nothing like yesterday, leaders from diverse sectors seek new ways and tools for intelligence and engagement. On July 9, 2024, RWI’s CEO Myrna Bittner presented “Synthetic Twins: Combining People, Place and Scenario-Based Intelligence for Use by Diverse Leadership in Regional Advanced Labs” at the Gemini Call.

A 3D stage with a panel of speakers in front of a large audience. The stage is set against a neutral background with the text "VerdeXchange 2024" prominently displayed.


May 2024, RWI's CEO Myrna Bittner presented in the panel "The Digital Mirror:  Developing Cities, Housing and Resilience with AI, a Planning Revolution Fueled by New Technology." Myrna and other digital twin leaders discussed RWI Synthetic Twin applications in urban planning, affordability, and climate resilience.

March 2024: Members of RWI showcased the REAL initiative at the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Board committee of the whole as a tool for managing growth, using population data and insights.

Committee of the Whole

March 2024 - Our REAL initiative was presented at the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Board (EMRB) Committee of the Whole as an innovative tool for enabling and planning responsible growth in our region, along with population projections and data insights.

Image of a glowing Earth symbolizing the project's focus. RWI has been nominated for the Earthshot Prize for their "Synthetic Earth, A Living Twin of the Planet and its People" project aimed at repairing our planet.

Earthshot Prize nominee

January 2024, RWI has been nominated and is now under review for the 2024 Earthshot Prize, a global environmental prize and platform for impact dedicated to finding and growing solutions that will help repair our planet. Our solution, “Synthetic Earth, A Living Twin of the Planet and its People,” is being considered by The Earthshot Prize team and their Expert Advisory Panel.

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Ready to inspire your community to create better futures for all?

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