Synthetic Models - Humans, Technology, infrastructure, and the Future

RUNWITHIT’s Inflection Point technology and API, enable models of complex future scenarios including reactive responsive human behaviour, new technologies, and events that haven’t happened yet. In these environments, sophisticated, innovative systems can be trialled, quantified and validated with an exponential number of possible futures.

RUNWITHIT Synthetics Energy Grid - Edmonton, AB Canada - households, daily consumption patterns, taxation value, demographics and psychographics of electric vehicle, solar panel, and battery storage adoption, policy/incentive response, climate change, grid infrastructure configuration/capacity (transformers, feeders, substations) for any hour, any day, any month, every detail.

Developed as a demonstration of our Synthetic City layers and the capability to experience the future in a rationalized, quantified design environment that includes the dynamics of people, weather, new technologies and interconnected systems. Enhancing the ability to prepare, plan for security events and mitigations, add details to asset-based risk management systems, inform policy makers, engage citizens, and the list goes on.

Every city should be designing for disruptions in their energy future.

Impact data for each residential transformer of electric vehicle adoption response related to incentives for any time of day, month, year for an existing grid

Impact data for each residential transformer of electric vehicle adoption response related to incentives for any time of day, month, year for an existing grid



Synthetic Energy presented at CleanTech Asia 2019

RUNWITHIT Synthetic Energy Modelling is a way to expedite infrastructure design, mitigate risks from security and disasters, and make climate-aware decisions for any city in its own bespoke model. This project is supported by the National Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Chair of Intelligent Energy Grid Systems at the University of Alberta.


Synthetic Energy Modelling presented at North51 Connect 2020

Mixing Geospatial Intelligence with Activity-based Intelligence, and bringing it all to life with Agents. RUNWITHIT Synthetics puts the future of a city’s aging energy grid in a live environment with natural disasters, renewables, electric vehicles, and new technologies for consumers, generation and demand response.

Planning for Climate Change

Planning for Climate Change

Energy consumption is expected to increase by 50% in the next 30 years.

Energy consumption is expected to increase by 50% in the next 30 years.