Exploring the Future of Water with Synthetic Modelling

Synthetic, point-in-time and scenario-based calculation of water services, combined with an unprecedented, holistic view of the impacts to the populations you serve, in a completely anonymized, digital environment. Your synthetic sandbox includes knobs and levers you design, to play forward time, and evaluate adoption of new policies, interventions, and technologies.


Visible, Equitable Futures

Water providers have been tasked with increasing efficiency and resiliency and reducing emissions, all while ensuring equitable delivery to all residents. RWI’s synthetic models and data allow utilities to test any number of scenarios, policies, incentives, or new technologies, thus accelerating adoption of high-impact interventions when they’re needed most.


Modeling behavior of synthetic populations for decision support and consensus-building

RWI brings people to water systems design, including their lives and livelihoods, activities, consumption patters, choices, barriers to access, through generation of an accurate, verifiable, anonymize, and hyper-localized synthetic population that reacts and responds to any number of new policies, incentives, or technologies.


Model Implementations and Use Cases

Synthetic utility solutions must enable decision-makers and those who support them to evaluate and verify a number of high-impact scenarios so they can take meaningful action and achieve goals on efficiency, emissions reduction, sustainability, resilience and equity. RWI’s synthetic environments and data-generation accelerates decisions and deployments, and increases confidence through evaluation of verifiable, high-quality synthetic data. Synthetic utility futures and modeling involve point-in-time and scenario-based calculations of utility networks, and how new interventions would impact all utility customers and adjacent systems.

These geospatial, digital environments include hyper-localized models of people and businesses, infrastructure, technology, and policies. Billions of synthetic, verifiable datapoints are generated in each scenario, providing a rich and accurate view of future scenarios from which to make important decisions.