RUNWITHIT Synthetics Inc. enhancing generative AI platform

EDMONTON, ALBERTA (January 21, 2025) — RUNWITHIT Synthetics Inc. (RWI) is honored to announce it is receiving advisory services and funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) to support the research and development of enhancements to RWI’s collaborative and interactive generative AI platform, titled AIGenCITM.

Through NRC IRAP’s AI Assist program, RWI is receiving advisory services and funding to explore additional capability and efficiency to Synthetic Earth, a shared platform where users can experience dynamic and interactive shared VR scenarios based on synthetic data, best available research, and analytics.

“We find giving people the ability to see forward is very engaging. Our customers are now requesting their own tactile ways of designing and experiencing futures and scenarios,” said Myrna Bittner, founder and CEO.

“By enabling users to configure, generate, and visualize billions of interconnected data points for rapid assessment, AIGenCITM unlocks a new type of intelligence for decision-support - one that fuels more resilient and impactful investments in sectors including social, environmental, security, energy and built infrastructure.”

NRC IRAP’s support for research and development will help RWI offer new capabilities to consumers, allowing a more diverse community to experience and configure VR GenAI scenarios in RWI’s world-first Synthetic Earth 5D platform.


About RUNWITHIT Synthetics Inc.

Founded in 2014, RUNWITHIT Synthetics Inc. is a women-led, Certified Indigenous Business headquartered in Edmonton, AB, Canada. RWI’s leading-edge technology and its applications have won numerous global awards, including the ASTech “Innovation of the Year” and the United Nations’ Global Call for Decarbonization. RWI is dedicated to advancing a better world by applying diverse expertise and voices through deep tech to inform equity, sustainability and resilience.

For any media inquiries, please contact:
Myrna Bittner,